Plant Archetypes as blueprints of sanity
References of living virtues, plants offer us templates for sanity and wholeness
The word Archetype comes from the Greek word archetypos. It is composed of two main elements: arche meaning first, original – and typos meaning model or type.
It refers to the primal essence of something, its essential foundational principle, even before something becomes manifest in an individualized and / or materialized form.
Plant Archetypes: unique Signatures in Nature
The understanding of the Archetype of a plant happens as we connect with its unique expression. We observe the plant in its dynamic change along its cycles from seed, to bud, to whole plant, to flower (when in that category), to fruit and back to seed. How it relates to the ecosystem it is part of, and the details of its native origins in the wild.
We observe it on many levels, including its presence in myth and lore and its traditional uses by humans as food, medicine and ritual. When growing healthy, we look at how it relates to the soil and the cosmos and expresses planetary forces, and how it interacts with other plants, its pollinators and other living beings.
The full range of its gesture conveys an Archetypal expression.
By observing how it has come into manifestation and evolved over time, we learn from its evolutionary teaching and we can deliberately connect with it for meditation, inspiration and for flower essence therapy.
A Solar, Masculine, Radiant plant Archetype
A typical experience of a Plant Archetype can be felt when connecting with the presence of the Sunflower, clearly embodying Fire Element qualities and Solar Archetypal forces. Attune to it through these images, and feel its presence!
This inspiring video, a production of the Flower Essence Society, presents a beautiful integration of images, animation and a narrated poem, Sunflowers, by Mary Oliver.
Observing the Sunflower, we can feel how this plant clearly imparts potent and vivid Solar qualities. And in the combination of poem, visuals and narrative, we experience an example of how good art has always drawn its power from nature’s Archetypal principles.
Healing qualities of the Sunflower Plant Archetype
The Sunflower Archetype helps bring balance to distorted sense of self that wavers between insecurity and over inflation, low self esteem and arrogance. The qualities of its flower essence are helpful when there is a need to anchor a balanced sense of individuality, connected to Higher Purpose, informed by one’s own Sun Self.
When we need references of what is healthy and sane
We can also look at Plant Archtypes, at this time, to learn from their evolutionary intelligence. They can teach us how to reclaim essential values and basic sanity.
When references of what is integrity, wholeness and sanity are being distorted, and “packaged” images of what is success and value are being imposed upon the masses, more than ever we need to align with the very source of healthy Archetypes of Individuality, Integrity, Love and wisdom on how to co-exist.
As we align with and radiate these sane virtues, we can stand for what we believe in the most integrated sense of the word, strengthening our healing presences in this world.
The language of Plants: a Vocabulary of Archetypal Expressions, Gestures, Qualities and Passages
Plants offer us a whole vocabulary of Archetypal Qualities. Oak trees are strong, enduring and life harboring, while the gentle Calendula flower is luminous and benevolent in its regenerative healing presence.
Our lives on earth are possible because Flowering Plants are here. Their prolific existence changed the atmosphere of this planet and made Earth hospitable to complex forms of life.
Every breath we take confirms our interdependence and deep relationship with plants. These living beings are our Ancestors and their wisdom can help us find ways of living in interrelation and cooperation, as healthy participants in the fabric of Life.
I love the concept of “blueprints of sanity” and indeed feel grateful to have experienced just that with your guidance, dear Ruth. <3